Monday, January 27, 2014

The Horned God

Ancient Egyptian mythology has many gods and goddess. However, from the research I have done, there is only one Horned God. That Horned God is called Khnum. Khnum was a creator-god, moulding people on a potter's wheel. Since potters used Nile mud, Khnum was also connected with the innundation. However, the horns on this God are horns of the ram, and they stick straight out. The pendant shows horns that curve upwards. I have a feeling that a fib was told when they said "Egyptian." They being the people who found and used the pendant in the popular show, Supernatural. From what I can tell, this pendant is reminiscent of Pagan traditions. Specifically, the Horned God, or THE God. The Goddesses other half. In most depictions of the Horned God, his horns curved upward, like the pendant. The pendant is a masculine figure. The classic beard, like the Horned God. And the kicker, the swirl above the head. In Celtic stories, the swirl means 'sun.' The alternet name of the Horned God is the Sun God. MIND BLOWN! 

I had ordered the pendant as a gift for a friend who loves Supernatural. I made a necklace with other trinkets and I'll be blessing and putting a protection spell on it before I give it to her.

I thought it might be interesting to try and do a little research on it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Word hard, make mistakes, trust the Goddess, and live life to the fullest.
Love you!